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The Riding Academy programs are structured around a curriculum divided into multiple skill levels.

Newcomer Level

This level is tailored to students who have never rode a horse before. This level is the foundation of developing the student’s riding skills. Students develop essential skills such as balance, posture, ability to mount and dismount, steer, and building up riding confidence. The estimated time to complete this level is 1 month. However, this may vary depending on the individual rider.

Beginner Levels 1 & 2, 3

This level is designed to solidify the student’s basic skills, and enhance their ability of using leg, seat and rein commands. Students will learn more skills that aid their riding including; riding in walk and trot and canter in a group, riding a half halt, simple school figures, correct use of commands/aids, and increase balance and ability to maintain good postures. Estimated time to complete this level: 8 to 12 months (4 to 6 months per level).

Intermediate Levels 1,2 & 3, 4

The Intermediate Level is designed to bring forth higher education relating to showjumping and dressage. Students begin their showjumping journey at this level, as well as enhance their flatwork in preparation for future specialization in showjumping or dressage. As the student moves from one level to the next, training sessions will become more technical and intense to prepare them for the advanced levels. Estimated time to complete this level: 1 1/2 to 3 years (6 months to 1 year per level).

Advance Levels 1 & 2 

Students get to choose the discipline (showjumping or dressage) that they would like to specialize in at this level.  Students will be trained to ride higher levels of showjumping or dressage. This level is designed to prepare students to compete in local and international competitions. Estimated time to complete this level: 2 to 4 years (1 to 2 years per level).



  • Students must always remain aware of their actions around horses. Students should never approach horses from their rear end both in the arena and at the stables. There are risks involved with riding and interacting with horses. Horses are unpredictable animals that may react to abrupt motions or sounds. Therefore, students must follow all instructions given by Al Shaqab designated staff for their own safety.
  • Instructor or Equine Education Administration may refuse students’ request to ride for safety or operational reasons.
  • Students are responsible for all their personal items and Al Shaqab will not be responsible for loss or damage to those items.
  • When competing at internal or external shows, the level that the student enters in must be approved and chosen by the instructor to ensure that the student is ready to compete safely.
  • Students who find themselves in an unsafe situation or are not experienced enough to resolve the issue, should notify their instructor immediately.


Code of Conduct

Students joining the academy, must adhere to our code of conduct.This is to ensure their safety as well as that of their fellow students:

Students are expected to arrive and be ready for their classes in a timely manner.

Students should present themselves a minimum of 10 minutes prior to the start of the class to avoid any disruptions or delays.

No student will be allowed to participate in a class if they arrive later than 10 minutes after the scheduled start time of the class. All students must be respectful behaviour towards their instructors and all staff members of Al Shaqab.

Any aggression or abuse directed towards Al Shaqab Staff, fellow students or horses will not be tolerated.

Dress code to be followed for every class:

  • Form fitting shirt
  • Long or short riding boots
  • Riding helmet with approved safety standards
  • Riding breeches (trousers)
  • Riding gloves
  • Body protector

Parents are not allowed to give instructions to their child from the outside of the arena or cause disruption of any kind during the class.

If parents have any queries or concerns, they may discuss them with the instructor before the class starts or at the end of the class.

No student is to be mounted unattended on a horse unless permission is given to do so by the instructor.

Students must always handle all horses and equipment with utmost care and respect.

No loud shouting or running is permitted in and around arenas, stable areas or administration buildings.

Students will be made responsible for any intentional damage caused to Al Shaqab property.

In case of any emergency, students are to communicate with an instructor/staff member immediately as their main focal point.

Failing to comply with the code of conduct will result in disciplinary action and could result in permanent expulsion if the offenses are repeated.
